Yoopya.com is currently looking for writers with talent and experience to contribute content to our website, covering a wide range of topics. This is an excellent opportunity for you to share your knowledge and establish yourself as an influential online voice. Every day, your content will be shared with thousands of readers.

An opportunity for students and individual writers to write 400 to 500 word articles that require the ability to write informatively about a variety of topics, including:
Global news
Personal Finance
Hollywood hightlights
Other sports
Boy genius report
Tech news
As a contributor, you can select which categories of news to cover to position yourself and your expertise in the industries that interest you.
Guidelines for Contributor Posting
Here are some basic guidelines you need to follow:
- Your post should be minimum 500 words long
- Your post should be relevant to the blog i.e. they should stick to the niche topics of this site.
- Exclusivity: The post must be original and you agree not to post it somewhere else including your own blog.
- Conclusion: Many of the guest post submissions I see fail to include a conclusion in their article. Please include one!
- Links : No affiliate links
- Medias: If the images being used are under a certain license, then you should give it an Image credit by linking it to the source. You can find some free images at morguefile.com, freedigitalphotos.net or wikimedia.org. Include optimized fast loading images with maximum 1200px wide to fit in our template.
- Byline : Fill in your Bio with not more than 2 links.
- First line – Choose the text carefully as first line automatically becomes the META description tag of the article and affects seach engine search result rankings.
- Article Text – Add bold, underlines, break into paragraphs and try bullets, numbered lists to get a better copy.
- Subheadings – its a good idea to split your article by subheadings. Only use h3 tags.
- Byline : Fill in your Bio with not more than 2 links.
Benefits and advantages for contributors?
Joining our team of contributors is a great way to increase your exposure exponentially!
As a contributor you can:
Expand your reputation globally.
Increase the distribution of your content and expose your name and ideas to our large and growing global readership.
Make your voice heard.
Our highly targeted audience of readers and analysts is eager to hear from you.
Grow alongside us
We believe that if we succeed, you should as well. We’re always looking for new ways for contributors to promote themselves on our site, so that as we grow, so will their exposure.
Articles We Do Not Accept / Common Reasons for Rejection
- Sponsored paid articles / links
- Previously published in same/modified form on your/any other site
- Self promotional articles for your product / service
- Promoting individual products / services / companies
- Containing affiliate links / Sponsored links/keyword links
- Containing links for unrelated sites /deeplinks
- Links solely for purpose of anchor text for keyword SEO
- Hidden info /Misrepresentation of facts
- Fake author info
- Writing for third party sites
- Inappropriate / abusive language
- Defamatory content / suggestion
- Linking out to banned sites / adult sites / redirects
- NSFW links or NSFW images
- Copyrighted content
- Too short
- Poor quality images
- Not following formatting guidelines
Time for Publication
Depending on how well you formatted the content, the article will go live within 1 hour to 5 days.
Following the publication of the article
Here are some pieces of advice to improve the traffic and authority of your article.
- Answer Comments: Readers may wish to clarify and discuss issues in the comments section. Having the guest author respond to comments adds credibility and improves response.
- Promote on social media sites: Submit your article to sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Twitter, and Facebook, and then share it with more people. If they like your article, they will share it with others, and they will visit your website to find out who the guest author is.
- Post link to your blog: Put a link to your contributor article on your blog and let your readers know about it. This will help to showcase your guest blogging abilities, and they may invite you to contribute to their blog as well.
How to Submit Guest Post
All you have to do is follow to the link below
I’d like to become a contributor.
After clicking, you’ll be taken to a registration form. Fill out the form and send an email to press [AT] yoopya.com, and we’ll activate your account so you can start using it right away.
Once your account has been activated, proceed with the steps outlined below.
Fill out your profile (full name, blog/site URL, author bio, and so on).
Upload your photo or avatar from Gravatar.com if you don’t already have one.